737 900er Fuel Capacity

737 900er Fuel Capacity

Boeing 737 Specs

In the more than fifty years of its existence, the Boeing 737 has evolved from a stumpy little twin-jet airliner into a family of high performance and versatile jet transports. Check out the Boeing 737 Specs tables below to get a clear picture of how these city jets stack up.

The global climate of rising fuel costs, as well as increased competition in the form of the Airbus A320, have ensured that Boeing continues to bring out more improved versions of the type. Of course, we know that there have been major hiccups in the introduction of the new 737 MAX with the tragic loss of life as a result. Whatever the reason, we hope that both Boeing and the F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Administration) have cleaned up their act and made the MAX as safe an airliner as its predecessors.

Compare the Boeing 737 Specs of this 737 MAX with its predecessors to see how it stacks up.
A Boeing 737 MAX in Boeing house colours.

Its all about family

The Boeing 737 has four distinct families of variants within the type. These are:

Family Variant
Original 737 100 737 200ADV
Classic 737-300 737-400 737-500
Next Generation (NG) 737-600 737-700 737-800 737-900
MAX MAX-7 MAX-9 MAX-200 MAX-9 MAX-10

Below is a table of the main features and specifications for the Boeing 737 family of aircraft.

Boeing 737 Specs (Two Tables)

Jump to Specification Table Boeing 737 Original and Boeing 737 Classic.

Jump to Specification Table Boeing 737 Next Gen and Max.

Boeing 737 Specs Table for Original and Classic.

Variant 737 100 737 200ADV 737 300 737 400 737 500
Flight Crew 2 2
Maiden Flight 09 APR 1967 08 AUG 1967 24 FEB 1984 19 FEB 1988 30 JUN 1989
Launch Delivery 28 DEC 1967 29 DEC 1967 28 NOV 1984 15 SEP 1988 28 FEB 1990
Launch Airline Lufthansa United Airlines US Air Piedmont Southwest Airlines
Final Delivery 02 NOV 1969 02 AUG 1988 17 DEC 1999 25 FEB 2000 21 JUL 1999
Power Plant
Model JT8D CFM56-3
Type 7 15A B2 C-1 B1
Thrust 64.4Kn 14,000lb 71.2Kn 16,000lb 88.9Kn 20,000lb 104.5Kn 23,500lb 82.3Kn 18,500lb
Aircraft Length 28.65M 94Ft 30.53M 100Ft 2In 33.40M 109Ft 7In 36.45M 119Ft 7In 31.01M 101Ft 9In
Fuselage Height 4.01M (13Ft 2In) 4.01M (13Ft 2In)
Fuselage Width (Outside) 3.76M (12Ft 4In) 3.76M (12Ft 4In)
Cabin Width 3.54M (11Ft 5In) 3.54M (11Ft 5In)
Cargo 18M3 650Ft3 24.8M3 875Ft3 TBA3 TBA3 TBA3 TBA3 TBA3 TBA3
Span 28.35M (93Ft) 28.88M (94Ft 9In)
Wing Area 102M2(1,098Ft2) 105.4M2(1,134Ft 6In2)
Dihedral 6 Degrees 6 Degrees
Sweep Back 25 Degrees 25 Degrees
Variant 737 100 737 200ADV 737 300 737 400 737 500
Tail Fin
Aircraft Height 11.28M (37Ft) 11.12M (36Ft 6In)
Tail Fin Height 6.15M (20Ft 2In) 6.15M (20Ft 2In)
Tail Fin Area 20.81M2 (224Ft2) 23.13M2 (249Ft2)
Rudder Area 5.22M2 (56Ft 2In2) 5.22M2 (56Ft 2In2)
Sweep Back 35 Degrees 35 Degrees
Under carriage
Track 5.23M 17Ft 2In 5.25M 17Ft 3In
Wheelbase 10.46M (34Ft 4In) 11.38M (37Ft 4In) 12.40M (40Ft 8In) 14.27M (46Ft 10In) 11.07M (36Ft 4In)
Number of Nose wheels 2 2
Number of Main wheels 4 4
Max. Certified Seating 124 136 149 188 140
Typical Seating 113 119 149 179 140
Seats Abreast 6 3×3 6 3×3
Max. Ramp Weight 44,361K (97,816lb) 52,615K (116,016lb) 56,700K (125,023lb) 63,049K (139,023lb) 63,049K (139,023lb)
Max. Takeoff Weight 44,225K (97,516lb) 52,390K (115,520lb) 56,472K (124,521lb) 62,822K (138,522lb) 62,823K (138,525lb)
Maximum Landing Weight 40,687K (89,715lb) 46,720K (103,018lb) 51,710K (114,021lb) 54,885K (121,021lb) 49,895K (110,018lb)
Max. Zero Fuel 38,555K (85,014lb) 43,091K (94,857lb) 47,625K (105,013lb) 51,256K (113,019lb) 46,720K (103,018lb)
Fuel Capacity 17,865L (4,720UG) 19,532L (5,160UG) 20,105L (5,312UG) 20,105L (5,312UG) 20,105L (5,312UG)
Vmo/Mmo Velocity/Mach Maximum Operating speed 350Kn 0.84M 340Kn 0.82M
Cruise Speed IAS/Mach 0.73M 250/0.745
True Airspeed (Kt) 420 430
Ceiling (Ft) 35,000 37,000 37,000
Range with Max Payload(nm) 1,720Nm (3,185Km) 2,645Nm (4,899Km) 2,950Nm (5,463Km) 2,800Nm (5,186Km) 2,950Nm (5,463Km)
Variant 737 100 737 200ADV 737 300 737 400 737 500

Specification Table Boeing 737 Original and Boeing 737 Classic (Top).

Boeing 737 Specs Table for Next Gen and Max.

Variant 600 700 800 900 Max 7 Max 8 Max 200 Max 9 Max 10
Prices (Millions) US$89.1 US$106.1 US$112.6 US$99.7 US$121.6 US$124.8 US$128.9 US$134.9
Maiden Flight 22 JAN 1998 09 FEB 1997 31 JUL 1997 03 AUG 2000 16 MAR 2018 29 JAN 2016 13 JAN 2019 13 APR 2017 Late 2019
Launch Delivery 18 Sep 1998 17 Dec 1997 22 Apr 1998 15 May 2001 2019 22 MAY 2017 2019 21 March 2018 2020
Launch Airline SAS Southwest Airlines Hapag Lloyd Alaska Airlines Westjet Malindo Air Ryan Air Lion Air TBA
Power Plant
Model CFM56-7 CFM
Type 7B18 7B20 7B24 7B26 Leap-1B
Thrust 82.0Kn, 18,500lb 89.0Kn, 20,600lb 107.0Kn, 24,200lb 117.3Kn, 26,300lb 119–130Kn, 26,786–29,317lb
Fuselage Length 31.20M (102Ft 4In) 33.60M (110Ft 3In) 39.50M (129Ft 7In) 42.10M (138Ft 2In) 35.56M (116Ft 8In) 39.52M (129Ft 8In) 39.52M (129Ft 8In) 42.16M (138Ft 4In) 43.80M (143Ft 8In)
Fuselage Height 4.01M, (12Ft 2In) 4.01M, (12Ft 2In)
Fuselage Width (Outside) 3.76M, (12Ft 4In) 3.76M, (12Ft 4In)
Cabin Width 3.53M,(11Ft 7In) 3.53M,(11Ft 7In)
Span 34.32M (112Ft 7In) 35.92M (117Ft 10In)
Wing Area 124.58M2 (1,340Ft2) 127M2 (1,370Ft2)
Dihedral 6 Degrees 6 Degrees
Sweep Back 25.02 Degrees 25.03 Degrees
Tail Fin
Aircraft Height 12.6M (41Ft 4In) 12.3M (40ft 4in)
Tail Fin Height 7.16M (23F 6In) 7.16M (23F 6In)
Tail Fin Area 26.44M2 (285Ft2) 26.44M2 (285Ft2)
Rudder Area 5.22M2 (56Ft2) 5.22M2 (56Ft2)
Variant 600 700 800 900 Max 7 Max 8 Max 200 Max 9 Max 10
Under carriage
Track 5.76M (18Ft 11In) 5.72M (18Ft 9In)
Wheelbase 12.6M (41Ft 4In) 15.6M (51Ft 2In) 12.6M (41Ft 4In) 15.6M (51Ft 2In) 17.17M (56Ft 4In)
Number of Nose wheels 2 2
Number of Main wheels 4 4
Max. Certified Seating 149 189 215 149 189 200 220 244
Typical Seating 145 180 140 175 192 216
Seats Abreast 6 6
Max. Ramp Weight 65,317Kg (143,999lb) 70,307Kg (155,000lb) 79,229Kg (174,670lb) 79,229Kg (174,670lb) 82,417Kg (181,729lb)
Max. Takeoff Weight 65,090Kg (153,499lb) 70,080Kg (154.500lb) 79,002Kg (174,170lb) 79,002Kg (174,170lb) 80,286Kg (177,000lb) 82,190Kg (181,229lb) 82,191Kg (181,200lb) 88,314Kg (194,700lb) TBA
Maximum Landing Weight 54,657Kg (120,499lb) 58,604Kg (130,000lb) 66,349Kg (146,275lb) 66,349Kg (146,275lb) 66,043Kg (145,600lb) 69,309Kg (152,800lb) 69,309Kg (152,800lb) 74,344Kg (163,900lb) TBA
Max. Zero Fuel 51,709Kg (113,999lb) 55,202Kg (121,700lb) 62,721Kg (138,276lb) 63,628Kg (140,276lb) 62,913Kg (138,700lb) 65,952Kg (145,400lb) 65,952Kg (145,400lb) 70,987Kg (156,500lb) TBA
Capacity (Litres) 26,035L, (6,878 US Gal) 26,035L, (6,878 US Gal)
Vmo/Mmo Velocity/Mach Maximum Operating speed 340/0.82 340/0.82
Cruise Speed IAS/Mach 230/0.785 230/0.785
True Airspeed 450Kt 450Kt
Ceiling (Ft) 41,000 41,000
Range with Max Payload NM(Km) 4,500 (8,334) 4,400 (8,149) 4,000 (7,408) 3,200 (5,926) 3,850 (7,130) 3,550 (6,570) 3,300 (6,110)
Variant 600 700 800 900 Max 7 Max 8 Max 200 Max 9 Max 10

Specification Table Boeing 737 Original and Boeing 737 Classic.(Top)

Specification Table Boeing 737 Next Gen and Max.(Top)

KLM_Boeing_737-900a. How does the 737-900 fit in with Boeing 737 Specs of its family members?
A KLM (Netherlands) Boeing 737 900A.

If there is more you want to learn about this airliner, please visit: Boeing 737 Home, Boeing 737 Interior, Boeing 737 Order Book, Boeing 737 History, Boeing 737 Assembly and Boeing 737 Max.

For more detailed information on the Boeing 737 Specs, you can click on this Boeing 737 PDF.

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737 900er Fuel Capacity

Source: https://modernairliners.com/boeing-737/boeing-737-specifications/


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